
We love to share our work and interesting technology. Plus, there are just too many things to remember so we like to write them down!

Using GitHub Action to interact with Amazon Web Services

Some techniques to help manage Terraform at scale

Building DataLakes can become complicated when dealing with lots of data. Even more so, when working with heavily skewed data. In this post, we'll be looking at how we can improve your long running Spark jobs caused by skewed data.

From X-raying bones to debugging code, this radiographer is ready to take on a new kind of exposure in the world of IT!

Using AWS SSO (IAM Identity Center) to set up CLI and Athena JDBC access for the day

Let's assume a role...oh, but wait, that's painful in bash

A brief article covering a method to dynamically calculate the ideal number of Spark partitions at runtime

A journey into SharePoint Online and event driven file uploads.

The fourth part in a series where I dive into the awesome things one can do with JQ.

The third part in a series where I dive into the awesome things one can do with JQ.